Family Farming Knowledge Platform

Exploring the benefits of organic agriculture in Africa

Ernest Aubee, the former Head of Agriculture Division at ECOWAS, recently spoke to Journalists Go Organic about the potential of Ecological Organic Agriculture (EOA). According to Aubee, EOA is a sustainable production system that prioritizes the health of soils, ecosystems, and people. He noted that there are ample opportunities for EOA development, as there is still a large amount of unexplored land available. Since 2015, organic agricultural land has increased by 119,000 hectares, and the global organic farming market has grown from $150.63 billion in 2021 to $169.04 billion in 2022. However, Aubee also acknowledged the challenges of EOA development in Africa. He pointed out that there is a lack of coherent and intersectoral policies and legislative frameworks, and that some African countries do not have proper institutional frameworks for EOA matters. Additionally, EOA is not being mainstreamed into national development policies and NAIPs for food and nutrition security.

Title of publication:
Author: Tribune Online
Year: 2023
Geographical coverage: Africa
Type: Blog article
Content language: English

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