Family Farming Knowledge Platform

2022 Young Farmer Agenda

The 2022 National Young Farmer Survey received 10,091 responses, including 4,344 from past, current, and aspiring farmers who self-identified as age 40 and under. Our findings reveal a new generation of farmers answering the call to provide healthy food, steward the land, and cultivate community well-being. They are building diversified operations designed for resilience in the face of a changing climate, and are motivated to farm for conservation, regeneration, and social justice. The Survey also reveals the urgent structural challenges standing in the way of their success, including access to land, access to capital, health care costs, access to affordable housing, the high cost of production, student loan debt, climate change, immigration issues, and access to federal programs. barriers are even higher for farmers who identify as Black, Indigenous, and other people of color (BIPOC). Congress and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) have the responsibility to reduce these challenges to ensure the success of the next generation in agriculture. Many of the challenges farmers face require policy change beyond the farm gate, including climate action, immigration policy reform, increased access to health care and education, and more. USDA programs must be redesigned with young farmer challenges in mind, and investments in equitable outreach and staff training are necessary to ensure federal resources reach young farmers. Our survey found that young farmers continue to lack knowledge of available federal programs and have difficulty accessing loans and conservation cost-share dollars. BIPOC farmers especially report being denied loans and other forms of support from the USDA. With the average U.S. farmer approaching 60 years old1 and nearly half of U.S. farmland on the brink of changing ownership over the next two decades2, creating policy solutions to support this new generation of growers is essential if we are going to achieve food security, healthy communities, and protect natural resources into the future.

Publisher: National Young Farmers Coalition
Author: Sophie Ackoff, Evan Flom, Vanessa García Polanco, David Howard, Jessica Manly, Carolina Mueller, Holly Rippon-Butler, Lytisha Wyatt
Organization: National Young Farmers Coalition
Year: 2022
Type: Report
Content language: English

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