Family Farming Knowledge Platform

Access to space and water for marine aquaculture

The objective of this technical study was to identify the main trends and practices for the allocation of marine space for the development of aquaculture across the EU, within the Maritime Spatial Plans (MSPs) produced to date. Based on consultation with EU Member States, the study presents the main enablers, blockers and model practices for the provision of space and water for the establishment of marine aquaculture. The geographic scope of the study is limited to EU Member States, and provides analysis of two non-EU case studies, focusing on Norway and the UK. The different approaches and procedures for allocating marine space to aquaculture are examined through various aspects (competent authorities and licensing procedures, inclusion of marine aquaculture and zoning provision for the sector in MSPs, spatial monitoring of allocated zones, etc.). No consideration is given to the market analysis, technical and financial feasibility, or post development monitoring of performance.

Publisher: European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (European Commission)
Author: Riclet, Emilie ; Huntington, Tim ; Herpers, Frédérick
Organization: European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (European Commission)
Year: 2023
ISBN: 978-92-95225-63-3
Country/ies: European Union
Geographical coverage: European Union (European Union)
Type: Report
Content language: English

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