Family Farming Knowledge Platform

Kei Sub county-Rodo rice producers cooperative society limited

Kei Sub County-Rodo Rice Producer Cooperative Society Limited (KRORIP Co-op Ltd) incorporated in September 2020 as primary multipurpose cooperative, under the overriding principles of the cooperative statutes of 1991, the Cooperative Regulation of 1992, and the Bye-laws under the provision of section 5 of the Co-operative Societies Act (Amended) 2016 with registration number P.12462/RC with over 159 registered farmers at the grassroots level engaged in agricultural production operating in seven clusters of producer groups which were previously VSLA groups and rice farming located in Avanga parish, Kei Sub County Yumbe District. The key economic activity of the cooperative members is to produce rice for the market. The objective is to build a commercially viable cooperative centered on the members primary producers and then market the member rice output in premium formal market channels. The integrated business model enbles the cooperative in which all stages of production, processing/packaging and marketing covered in-house by the Society and its members, with a clear division of roles and responsibilities among members, farmer groups and the cooperative. This business model enables the KRORP to control all stages in the value chain and offer producers a rice purchase price above the national average. The value prepositions are to deliver high quality, high yielding, and climate-resilient seed to our farmers and provide a reliable, consistent supply of high-quality rice to our clients. The target potential domestic market estimated at over 41 million people nationwide, with over 1million consumers within Yumbe district, and over 5million within the West Nile region, and other parts of the country, WFP, Tilda the regional and international markets of South Sudan, DRC & Rwanda.

Publisher: Afard - The Agency for Accelerated Regional Development
Author: Innocent Mu
Organization: Afard - The Agency for Accelerated Regional Development
Year: 2020
Geographical coverage: Africa
Type: Report
Content language: English

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