Family Farming Knowledge Platform

How to document and share experience. Fourth webinar in the series on experience capitalization

The 4th webinar in the series on experience capitalization dealt with the second part of implementation of the experience capitalization process, more specifically the steps relating to documentation and sharing.

The main objective of a capitalization process is to share the lessons learned and the knowledge generated. These lessons can be presented in different formats (written, oral, audiovisual and/or digital, etc.), depending on the target audience and their specific objectives. Whatever the final choice, it is important to put the results of the capitalization process in writing. A written document can take various forms. To be effective, it must be concise, attractive and rigorous, while presenting the results of the analysis clearly and convincingly. Indeed, capitalizing is not just about documenting, but also about sharing the results of capitalisation through a variety of products, using different communication channels.

During the webinar, participants were able to recognise the importance of writing to document an experience capitalisation process. The facilitators gave some advice on how to improve writing skills, prepare the writing and structure the content.

The lessons learned and knowledge gained from experience capitalization are of interest and relevance to many people, including those who did not take part in the process. A communication strategy helps to determine how to reach these other groups of people. A communications strategy can be a simple document that clearly describes the audience to be reached, the messages to be sent and the products to deliver the messages. It also defines the channels to be used to reach the target audience effectively. The communications strategy must take into account the fact that different people want to hear different things about your experience. You need to be prepared to design different messages and products for each type of audience.

Certain knowledge-sharing methods, such as knowledge fairs or exchange visits, are excellent channels for sharing the lessons learned from a capitalisation process. They allow face-to-face exchanges and encourage interaction, discussion and reflection.

Author: YenKasa Africa
Organization: YenKasa Africa
Year: 2023
Geographical coverage: Africa
Type: Event
Content language: English

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