Family Farming Knowledge Platform

Webinar: Trees and veg - Designing your own system

Join Ben Raskin of the Soil Association and Andy Dibben of Abbey Home Farm as they discuss agroforestry systems in horticulture. They'll be taking us through step by step how to design and set up a system that you can apply to your own market gardens and farms. The discussion will include personal insights and real world examples of agroforestry in practice. About the speakers: Ben has worked in the commercial growing world for nearly 30 years and has a wide range of practical horticultural experience, starting his career growing vegetables for chefs, box schemes and farm shops. He is Head of Horticulture and Agroforestry for the Soil Association. He keeps his hand in on the field with a project implementing a pioneering agroforestry system on a 1500 acre farm in Wiltshire. He also works as an independent advisor, trainer and an author, writing books for children and grown-ups, including most recently “The woodchip handbook” and “Plant a tree – retree the world”. Andy has worked in rural industries in the UK for over twenty years. Including 15 years in commercial organic veg production, Shepherd, Beef farmer, Coppice worker, Charcoal maker and delivering extensive tree planting projects. Currently Head Grower at Abbey Home Farm a 650 ha mixed farm, certified organic for 30 years, Andy is responsible for the production of over 90 different fruit and vegetable crops. During the last 9 years in his role Andy has been responsible for designing and establishing an Agroforestry system integrating fruit, coppice and wildlife trees with field scale vegetable production. The role also includes training a team of apprentices.

Author: Organic Growers Alliance
Organization: Organic Growers Alliance
Year: 2023
Type: Video
Content language: English

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