Family Farming Knowledge Platform

Agroecological Intelligence and Technology Choice – New Report

Agriculture is at a crossroads. With accelerating climate change, biodiversity loss and public health challenges, it is widely accepted that change is necessary and urgent. Inevitably this gives rise to the question of technology and whether and how it might help. In the face of the need for change, a lot of energy and positivity is currently being directed into the concept of agroecological farming, which represents a counterpoint to the dominant industrial food system. So, while we need to talk about technology, we also need to talk about agroecology. Agroecology is an umbrella under which a range of diverse strands or approaches to farming such as as organic, biodynamic, permaculture, food sovereignty, nature friendly, pasture-fed and regenerative (and even other more controversial alternatives, such as ‘sustainable intensification’), can exist. This broad and inclusive grouping is seen as desirable and as a necessary paradigm shift. But it is also problematic in its assumption that more radical eco-friendly, low-input approaches can comfortably sit side-by-side with those that represent little more than the status quo given a green makeover. Approaches that sit in this latter category, such as sustainable intensification focus on limited change and accept the existing social, economic, structural and cultural framework of food and farming.

Publisher: Agroecological Intelligence
Author: Ayms Mason, Pat Thomas and Lawrence Woodward
Organization: Agroecological Intelligence
Year: 2023
Type: Report
Content language: English

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