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Food Systems Account For At Least 15% Of All Fossil Fuels

Fossil fuels are entrenched across the food supply - and Big Oil is moving to lock in its influence from farm-to-table in the coming decades, a new report warns. Some 15 per cent of fossil fuels used each year around the world are related to food production, transport, and storage - more than the carbon emissions of the EU and Russia combined. The report, published on Thursday by the Global Alliance for the Future of Food and Dalberg Advisors, is the first time that fossil fuels across the entire food supply chain have been analysed. Plastics - heavily used in food packaging - are expected to drive nearly half of oil demand growth by 2050, according to the International Energy Agency. Food-related plastics and fertilisers already make up 40 per cent of petrochemical products. Meanwhile food demand is expected to increase 35-56 per cent by 2050 and along with it, sales of processed and packaged food which the report warns use more energy than whole foods.

Title of publication:
Publisher: Global Alliance for teh Future of Food
Author: Global Alliance for the Future of Food
Organization: Global Alliance for the Future of Food
Year: 2023
Type: Blog article
Content language: English

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