Family Farming Knowledge Platform

Documentation and Systematic Analysis of Nutrition Strategies and Programs Supporting Family Farming

A Case Study in Lao PDR

Family farmers in the Lao People's Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) are known to be subsistence or labor based farming families, most of whom are residing in rural areas. They are often held back by poor or limited access to arable land and water. They also experience structural food shortages, primarily relying on farm production and gathering wild foods. Consequently, this has made them more vulnerable to natural shocks, climate change, floods, and drought. They buy very little food, except rice, in times of shortages, suffering from high levels of poverty and malnutrition. However, some family farmers, especially those who grow maize, rubber, banana, cassava, coffee, and organic vegetables, are transitioning from sufficiency production to commercial production. This would help them diversify and ensure their livelihood with more alternative economic activities to earn a living.

At present, various approaches and interventions from development partners and outsiders could help solve the malnutrition problem in Lao PDR. These include cash transfers, food aid (i.e., USAID, WFP), and nutrition-sensitive agricultural programs. Promoting nutrition-sensitive farming to boost local production and consumption of nutritious food among farming families is the common focus of development partners and the government (Joost & Sinavong, 2022). “The nutrition-sensitive agriculture/farming (NSA) is based on the proposition that improved agricultural production will contribute to solving undernutrition by increasing availability of and access to nutritious foods and, ultimately, better diet” (Foppes & Sengyavong, 2017). However, family farmers also have the potential to reduce malnutrition in rural Lao PDR through a self-reliant approach. That is, farmers contribute to reducing malnutrition by themselves.

Therefore, this study aims to investigate and learn from existing practices and explore the possibility of supporting family farmers in reducing malnutrition of their family members, especially children, and rural Lao PDR. It also aims to contribute to achieving the vision that family farming provides food security and adequate nutrition; commercial, diverse, and safe agricultural production; green agricultural ecosystems; decent jobs; and sustainable income. Lastly, the study will also seek to understand how to strengthen multi-dimensionality in promoting social innovations that could contribute to territorial development and food systems that safeguard biodiversity, the environment, and culture.

Publisher: Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA)
Author: Phonevilay Sinavong
Organization: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
Other organizations: Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA), The Asian Partnership for the Development of Human Resources in Rural Areas (AsiaDHRRA)
Year: 2023
Country/ies: Lao People's Democratic Republic
Type: Case study
Content language: English

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