Family Farming Knowledge Platform

Breaking barriers to agroforestry: FAO’s global capacity needs assessment

The FAO's Global Agroforestry Capacity Needs Assessment (CNA) revealed persistent challenges which are hindering widespread adoption of agroforestry despite its recognised benefits. Three primary action areas were identified: transforming agroforestry into an economically viable production system; strengthening enabling environments through agroforestry policies and strategies; and improving agroforestry extension for more biodiverse and agroecological systems. Stakeholders - governmental entities, NGOs, land users and community groups, researchers, private-sector entities and investors and donors - demonstrated expertise in agroforestry planning but identified gaps in socioeconomic aspects, and policy analysis and implementation. Challenges included insecure land tenure, limited market access and insufficient financial incentives for farmers. The assessment emphasised the need for collaborative efforts to address these challenges, recommending tailored approaches for the different stakeholder groups. Recommendations included improving data collection on socioeconomic aspects, developing innovative financing mechanisms and promoting peer-to-peer knowledge exchange. Efforts to strengthen policy frameworks, enhance extension services, and integrate local and Indigenous knowledge were also proposed. Concerted action is, therefore, necessary to unlock agroforestry's full potential in addressing global sustainability challenges to promote sustainable land management and food security worldwide.  

Title of publication: Agroforestry at work
Volume: 1.4
Issue: 62
Page range: 28-34
Author: Elaine Springgay
Other authors: Priya Pajel
Organization: Tropenbos International
Other organizations: FAO's Global Agroforestry Capacity Needs Assessment (CNA)
Year: 2024
Type: Article
Content language: English

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