Family Farming Knowledge Platform

Kyrgyzstan Land Rights: Quick Guide to Resolving Disputes and Securing Ownership

This set of briefs was produced as an easy-to-use guide to address the challenges surrounding land rights in Kyrgyzstan based on the Kyrgyz land, civil and family codes. Its primary goal is to offer Kyrgyz citizens a clear understanding of their rights, legal processes, and practical steps related to land ownership. It covers seven scenarios of land ownership for women and men, and disputes common in Kyrgyzstan, ranging from resolving marital property disputes to addressing unauthorized land expansions and combating squatting on agricultural lands.

Beyond providing visuals and notes to clarify the complexities of legal land rights in the Kyrgyz Republic, the briefs outline pragmatic and actionable steps that individuals can follow to claim their rights. Whether they describe procedures for initiating legal proceedings, navigating bureaucratic processes, or understanding the steps involved in formalizing ownership, the briefs offer a practical roadmap for those actively engaged in securing their land rights.

Publisher: Bioversity International
Author: I. Bainazarov
Organization: CIFOR-ICRAF
Other organizations: Alliance Bioversity & Ciat, IFPRI
Year: 2024
Country/ies: Kyrgyzstan
Geographical coverage: Asia and the Pacific
Type: Report
Content language: English

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