Family Farming Knowledge Platform

Revival of Future Smart Foods for Sustainable Food Systems in Nepal: A case of Millets

Millets are one of the Future Smart Foods (FSFs), indigenous to Nepal. Millets are rich in micronutrients, more resilient to water and heat stresses and can be cultivated in marginal lands and at different altitudes ranging from plain terai to high hills. They can contribute to the overall sustainability of food systems through their potential contribution to nutrition security, rural income, and resilience to climate change. Beyond their immediate agricultural significance, millets offer potential in advancing agro-/eco-tourism and culinary science. This research paper, rooted in rigorous peer review and a SWOT analysis of the current millet landscape, develops an operational framework. This framework, exemplified through the case of millets, outlines a sustainable, long-term approach for the revival of traditional crops, thereby ensuring the sustainability of food systems in Nepal. In addition to this, the paper provides recommendations that span multiple fronts, including behavioral, technological, market, and policy aspects, to facilitate the revival of millets within the food system. By adopting a holistic approach that considers behavioral changes, technological innovations, market dynamics, and policy measures, we can create an enabling environment for the sustainable revitalization of millets and other FSFs. This comprehensive strategic way will not only contribute to the restoration of agrobiodiversity and dietary diversity but also enhance the resilience of Nepal's food systems in the face of climate change and other challenges.

Title of publication: Millets in Nepal 2023
Page range: 604-617
Author: Oshin Sharma
Other authors: Rajendra Dhakal, Abid Hussain, Kamal Aryal
Organization: ICIMOD
Other organizations: National Agriculture Genetic Resources Center (NAGRC), Centre for Crop Development and Agro-biodiversity Conservation (CCDABC)
Year: 2023
Country/ies: Nepal
Geographical coverage: Asia and the Pacific
Type: Journal article
Full text available at:
Content language: English

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