Family Farming Knowledge Platform

The Mangrove Mothers

The women of Pate Island are fixing Kenya’s coastal forests one seedling at a time.

Zulfa Hassan and the Mtangawanda Women’s Association in Kenya's Lamu County are revitalizing local mangrove forests, crucial ecosystems that protect coastlines, support fisheries, and sequester significant amounts of carbon. These women plant mangrove seedlings in degraded coastal areas, working during low tides to ensure optimal growth. Their efforts have restored over 30 acres of mangroves, enhancing biodiversity and community resilience against climate change. This initiative not only restores vital ecosystems but also empowers women by providing them with leadership roles and microloans for small businesses, significantly altering traditional gender roles and improving livelihoods in the community.

Author: Dustin Solberg
Organization: The Nature Conservancy
Year: 2022
Country/ies: Kenya
Geographical coverage: Africa
Type: Article
Content language: English

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