Family Farming Knowledge Platform

Africa’s Agricultural Future Lies in Agroecology

Million Belay, AFSA General Coordinator, highlights the importance of agroecology in his article for the joint Rosa Luxemburg Foundation and Alameda dossier "Seeds of Sovereignty: Contesting the Politics of Food." He emphasizes that agroecology strengthens community bonds through the sharing of knowledge, seeds, and labor, fostering food sovereignty by advocating for the right to healthy, culturally appropriate food produced through sustainable practices. Examples across Africa, such as agroecological farms in Kenya utilizing crop rotation and natural pest control, and community seed banks in Uganda preserving biodiversity, highlight the practical applications and benefits of this approach. Belay's insights underscore the transformative potential of agroecology in building resilient and equitable food systems.

Title of publication:
Author: Million Belay
Year: 2024
Geographical coverage: Africa
Type: Blog article
Content language: English

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