Family Farming Knowledge Platform

Conservation Agriculture and sustainable crop intensification

A Zimbabwe case study

Agricultural productivity in Zimbabwe, like in many other countries in SSA has been declining over the years despite the numerous advancements made in agricultural technology development. Yield levels usually averaging below 1t ha-1 have resulted in persistent cereal deficits despite the large area put under production each year. Declining soil fertility, erratic precipitation patterns, high input costs and unstable market conditions have all affected the profitability and therefore the sustainability of the small holder farming sector, which provides livelihoods for the majority of the rural population. Conservation Agriculture is increasingly being seen as a farming system that can reduce the negative impacts of some of the factors that are limiting agricultural productivity. Its component technologies of minimum soil disturbance, maintenance of organic ground cover and the use of suitable crop rotations and interactions have shown the potential to mitigate some of the production constraints experienced in the country’s agricultural production. The potential for CA to reduce soil erosion and water runoff and increase economic returns in production systems have been shown by local research. Several initiatives to increase and sustain agricultural productivity have been reported in the past and provide an important reference point for current CA programmes. The early work by Brian Oldrieve in North Eastern Zimbabwe, The Contill project by AGRITEX and GTZ from the late eighties to early nineties and the “Conservation Tillage for Sustainable Production” workshop in Harare in 1998, all provide important reference points for current CA programmes. 

Volume: 17
ISSN: 1020-4555
Publisher: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Author: Lungowe Sepo Marongwe
Other authors: Isaiah Nyagumbo, Karsto Kwazira, Amir Kassam, Theodor Friedrich
Organization: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Year: 2012
ISBN: 978-92-5-107448-0
Country/ies: Zimbabwe
Geographical coverage: Africa, Southern African Development Community (SADC)
Type: Case study
Content language: English

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