Family Farming Knowledge Platform

Global Forest Resources Assessment 2010 - Country Report: Belize

Sustainably managed forests have multiple environmental and socio-economic functions important at the global, national and local scales, and play a vital part in sustainable development. Reliable and upto-date information on the state of forest resources - not only on area and area change, but also on such variables as growing stock, wood and non-wood products, carbon, protected areas, use of forests for recreation and other services, biological diversity and forests’ contribution to national economies - is crucial to support decision-making for policies and programmes in forestry and sustainable development at all levels. FAO, at the request of its member countries, regularly monitors the world’s forests and their management and uses through the Forest Resources Assessment Programme. This country report forms part of the Global Forest Resources Assessment 2010 (FRA 2010).

Author: FAO Forestry Department
Organization: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Year: 2010
Country/ies: Belize
Geographical coverage: Latin America and the Caribbean
Type: Report
Full text available at:
Content language: English

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