Family Farming Knowledge Platform

A note on food security and land tenure security in Lesotho

In this note of food security and land tenure security in Lesotho, the authors present arguments in favour of the enactment and implementation of legislation in Lesotho that will enhance land tenure security in the country. Some of the arguments include: Tenure insecurity is not the primary constraint on the contribution that farming can make to food security in Lesotho, but: women’s access rights and widow’s tenure security are inadequate more secure access to additional land for a minority of better-resourced and more-productive farmers could contribute more to aggregate food security, arable tenure security and land use are currently impaired by confused interim arrangements for land administration and land reform laws, community-based natural resource management structures need to be reinforced by clearer communal tenure security and administrative arrangements.

Author: S. Turner
Other authors: M. Adams
Year: 2004
Country/ies: Lesotho
Geographical coverage: Africa
Type: Policy brief/paper
Content language: English

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