Family Farming Knowledge Platform

Saving freshwater resources with salt-tolerant forage production in marginal areas of the West Asia and North Africa region. An opportunity to raise the incomes of the rural poor

n partnership with the National Agricultural Research Systems (NARS) of seven countries in WANA (Jordan, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia and UAE), and with support from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development (AFESD), and the OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID), in addition to Egypt, ICBA has carried out a major project aims at Saving freshwater resources with salt-tolerant forage production systems in marginal areas of West Asia and North Africa (WANA) region – an opportunity to raise the incomes of the rural poor. The goal of the project is improved livelihoods and higher incomes for resource-poor rural men and women in degraded and marginal lands in West Asia and North Africa. This project helps under-developed and developing countries to develop animal production systems that improve livelihoods and thus contribute to four Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).  This overall goals are met by focusing on three objectives:  Increase feed availability for livestock through sustainable use of underutilized saline water resources.  Integrate the use of saline water into an overall strategy of sustainable semi-arid and arid farm system management.  Develop capacity of NARS.

Location: Damascus, Syria 30–31 May 2010
Year: 2010
Country/ies: Egypt, Jordan, Oman, Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia
Geographical coverage: Near East and North Africa
Type: Conference paper
Content language: English

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