Family Farming Knowledge Platform

Association History in the Romanian Rural Environment

The association history of farmers in Romania begins on March 10th, 1835, when Theodor Diamant laid the grounds for the „Phalanstery in Scăieni”. It was an organization form which should have become a production and consumption association exclusively based on agricultural pursuits. The project itself belonged to the Utopian socialist Francois-Marie Charles Fourier and was destined to a future society of his imagination. The author suggested the reorganization of the rural social space in closed rural communities. The entire activity would have been developed solely around the phalanstery, which was supposed to be a building, in which the community members were living, eating and working together.

Title of publication: Rural Romania
Issue: 35
ISSN: 2393-123x
Page range: 15-18
Organization: Romanian Rural Development Network
Year: 2015
Country/ies: Romania
Type: Magazine article
Content language: English

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