Family Farming Knowledge Platform

Farmer empowerment through land resettlement:A case of Bluegrass Estate, Kadoma, Zimbabwe

A case of Bluegrass Estate, Kadoma, Zimbabwe

Poverty in rural Zimbabwe was rampant during colonial and post-independence times. Poverty creation by colonial authorities through legislation that deprived the indigenous people of their fatherland was meant to create labour for the ruling whites while making sure the indigenous Zimbabweans would never aspire to be equal to their colonizers. It was poverty through landlessness that drove many rural youths into joining the Second Chimurenga en masse. After independence, the land resettlement programme saw many rural Zimbabweans move from their impoverished communal lands onto the fertile lands owned by white farmers. The white farmers resisted the move. The black farmers were each allocated approximately six hectares of land and additional communal land for cattle grazing. Resettled farmers were given seed, fertilizers and tillage inputs by Government and some donors. The A1farmers on Bluegrass Estate, Sanyati Rural District, were amongst the beneficiaries of this programme. After ten years on the resettlement, it is not clear whether this programme economically empowered the people to live better lives. This study sought to establish the authenticity of the assertion of the Rukuni Commission that giving a single commercial farm to many people would result in better production from the land and hence improve the lives of the people who were resettled there. A case study approach was used following the work done by Mtapuri (2009) on the Mhondoro Communal Lands. Inventories of equipment and inputs at points of resettlement and ten years later was completed and compared. Items forming a bundle that determined whether the people perceived themselves as poor or not poor were established. A questionnaire was administered and this was followed by interviews with some selected people to delve deeper into issues raised. Descriptive statistics using percentages and deviations in accordance with Mack and Lansley’s (1985) model were used to establish the conditions indicating poverty in resettlement areas. The World Bank approach to determining poverty was compared with other approaches and shown that it was not considered appropriate if the views of the people were taken into account in determining whether they were poor or not.

Author: Vengesayi C
Organization: Zimbabwe Open University
Year: 2012
Country/ies: Zimbabwe
Geographical coverage: Africa
Type: Conference paper
Content language: English

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