Family Farming Knowledge Platform

Production diversity and dietary diversity in smallholder farm households

This paper tries to respond the question of how to make agriculture and food systems more nutrition-sensitive. Many of the undernourished people in Africa and Asia are small-scale subsistence farmers. Diversifying production on these farms is often perceived as a promising strategy to improve dietary quality and diversity. This hypothesis is tested with data from smallholder farm households in Indonesia, Kenya, Ethiopia, and Malawi. Higher farm production diversity significantly contributes to dietary diversity in some situations, but not in all. Improving small farmers’ access to markets seems to be a more effective strategy to improve nutrition than promoting production diversity on subsistence farms.

Title of publication: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Volume: 112
Issue: 34
Author: Kibrom T. Sibhatu
Other authors: Vijesh V. Krishna, Matin Qaim
Organization: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)
Year: 2015
Country/ies: Ethiopia, Indonesia, Kenya, Malawi
Type: Magazine article
Content language: English

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