Family Farming Knowledge Platform

Rural reality check in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia gained its independence in 1991 when it peacefully seceded from Yugoslavia. In 2005, the EU recognized it as a Candidate country. Formal negotiations for the country’s accession to the Union were recommended by the European Commission every year since 2009, but have been delayed by Greek objections to the country’s name and other issues. However, the process of preparing governmental systems to meet the acquis communautaire continues, and the European Commission’s progress report for the country records continuing progress with measures related to agriculture, food safety and veterinary standards.

Title of publication: Empowering rural stakeholders in the Western Balkans
Page range: 24-31
Organization: EU Agriculture and Rural development
Year: 2014
Country/ies: North Macedonia
Geographical coverage: Europe and Central Asia
Type: Magazine article
Content language: English

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