Family Farming Knowledge Platform

Development of family agriculture: research on rural issues and the territory as a reference to study the case of Terenos, MS

To understand how is the process of local development in Terenos, located in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, we used a theoretical territorialist. Since the 1920s the fi rst family agricultures of European origin were settled in place and your organization gave rise to the Old Colony and New Colony. Representing one of the oldest settlements of small farmers of the State, the interviews were conducted with producers of those colonies had as its objective to identify potential sites, differentiation, interaction with the territory, as well as its main competitive diffi culties. Although supporting the activities of agricultural production, the family farming stated that the problems related to the marketing and coordination of the chain which has a stake are the biggest obstacles in the pursuit of development and prominence in the market who wish to.

Title of publication: Interações
Volume: 14
Page range: 189-195
Author: Thelma Lucchese Cheung
Organization: Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS)
Year: 2013
Country/ies: Brazil
Geographical coverage: Latin America and the Caribbean
Type: Journal article
Content language: Portuguese

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