Family Farming Knowledge Platform

Nature et Faune: Wildlife and Protected Areas management and natural resources conservation (Vol 7,No.2)

"Nature et Faune" is a quarterly international publication dedicated to the exchange of information and scientific data on wildlife and protected areas management and conservation of natural resources on the African continent. The current issue of "Nature et Faune" covers the outcome of a study carried out for FAO on the dense forest areas of West Africa. It shows that what foresters call secondary products, in reality constitutes for the rural populations the major forest products. The destruction of these resources, resulting in deforestation, thus has an incalculable social and economic impact. This issue must therefore urge foresters to undertake effective management, not only on wood production, if they want to include the populations in their conservation and protection efforts.

Volume: 7
Issue: 2
Organization: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Year: 1991
Country/ies: Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ghana
Geographical coverage: Africa
Type: Journal
Content language: English

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