Family Farming Knowledge Platform

The concept op sustainability in agroecology

Scholars have established sustainability as the goal of environmental sciences. The objective of this research was to establish definitions regarding the concept of sustainability and its place within agroecology theory. For that, a systematic review was conducted in global scientific databases, complemented with specialized journals and books. It was found that there is no agreement on the system of reference, so sustainable agriculture, development, rural development, as well as sustainability of agroecosystems, and of food systems are proposed as goals of agroecology. Also, there is no consensus on the kind of sustainability agroecology embraces, but integral sustainability has a broader acceptance.

Title of publication: Sostenibilidad en agroecología
Volume: 18
Issue: 2
Page range: 329-337
Author: Luis Fernando Gómez
Other authors: Leonardo Alberto Ríos-Osorio, María Luisa Eschenhagen Durán
Organization: Revista U.D.C.A Actualidad & Divulgación Científica
Year: 2015
Type: Journal article
Content language: Spanish

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