Family Farming Knowledge Platform

The Cost of Hunger in Africa (COHA)

Social and Economic impact of child under-nutrition in Egypt, Ethiopia, Swaziland and Uganda

The Cost of Hunger in Africa (COHA) Study is a project led by the African Union Commission (AUC) and the New Partnership of Africa’s Development (NEPAD) Planning and Coordinating Agency and supported by the UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and the UN World Food Programme (WFP). COHA is a multi-country study aimed at estimating the economic and social impacts of child undernutrition in Africa. This continent-wide initiative is being led by the Department of Social Affairs, AUC, within the framework of the Revised African Regional Nutrition Strategy (2005-2015), the objectives of the African Task Force on Food and Nutrition Development (ATFFND) and the principles of the AU/ NEPAD’s Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) Pillar 3.

Organization: World Food Programme (WFP)
Other organizations: African Union Commission, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
Year: 2013
ISBN: 978-99944-62-00-1
Country/ies: Egypt, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Uganda
Geographical coverage: Africa
Type: Policy brief/paper
Content language: English

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