Family Farming Knowledge Platform

Integration, efficiency, sustainability - Keys to the future of agriculture

The case of Burundi

Feeding a rapidly increasing global population means that we will need to produce more food in a more efficient and sustainable manner. Fewer inputs must be used to achieve greater yields. The real challenge is not just in producing more, but in doing so against a backdrop of climate change and degradation of natural resources such as fertile land, freshwater and biodiversity. In Burundi - where an expanding population is living-off limited land, often divided into small parcels - increasing food production will mean focusing on integration and efficiency in farming systems rather than simply bringing more land under cultivation. Integrated approaches for planning and decision-making processes in different sectors are carried out together in order to improve the overall management of natural and human resources, while meeting the diverse societal demands in the short, medium and long term. Addressing the complex linkages among the different resource users optimizes the development agenda while striving for sustainable food security and nutrition.

Organization: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Year: 2016
Country/ies: Burundi
Geographical coverage: Africa
Type: Policy brief/paper
Full text available at:
Content language: English

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