Family Farming Knowledge Platform

Cities, Territories, and Inclusive Growth: Unraveling Urban–Rural Linkages in Chile, Colombia, and Mexico

We explore the effects of the growing urbanization of rural areas in Chile, Colombia, and Mexico and investigate whether the presence of small- and medium-sized cities within rural–urban territories enhances economic growth and reduces poverty and income inequality compared to deep-rural and metropolitan territories. For Chile and Colombia, our results suggest that these urban centers can make a greater contribution to the rate of economic growth and poverty reduction in rural–urban territories compared to deep-rural ones, but in some cases with a rise in income inequality. The mechanisms through which urban centers affect the dynamics of territorial development are country-specific.

Title of publication: World Development
Volume: 73
Issue: Growth, Poverty and Inequality in Sub-National Development: Learning from Latin America’s Territories
Page range: 56-71
Author: Julio A. Berdegué
Other authors: Fernando Carriazo, Benjamín Jara, Félix Modrego, Isidro Soloaga
Organization: RIMISP - Centro Latinoamericano para el Desarrollo Rural
Year: 2015
Country/ies: Chile, Colombia, Mexico
Geographical coverage: Latin America and the Caribbean
Type: Journal article
Content language: English

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