Family Farming Knowledge Platform

Farm-Success project newsletter - 1st edition

This newsletter is the first edition of the Farm-Success Project newsletter. The Farm-Success Project newsletter outlines all of the most recent Farm-Success Project developments, detailing the Project’s road to creating strategies to train farmers for a sustainable succession process in order to enable and to motivate young farmers to continue the family business of their parents. Newsletter items include recent project activities and results, outcomes of Farm-Success project team meetings, and other relevant resources to the project. This first edition of the newsletter introduces the Farm-Success Project with a presentation of the Summary Report findings and the project brochure. Also included in the newsletter is an outline of the project’s kick-off meeting in Freising, Germany and the subsequent team project meeting in Jaén, Spain. Readers are also given a short article on an overview of succession processes in the EU as well as a variety of other relevant webpages to access more information on practices of succession processes on European family farms. 

Author: The Farm-Success Project Team
Year: 2016
Country/ies: European Union
Geographical coverage: European Union (European Union)
Type: Newsletter
Content language: English

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