Family Farming Knowledge Platform

Entwicklung des Gemüsebaus in Deutschland von 2000-2015: Anbauregionen, Betriebsstrukturen, Gemüsearten und Handel

Vegetable production is the most important horticultural sector in Germany, as measured by production area and gross value added. During 2015, open field vegetable production included 115,500 hectares. The annual per capita consumption of vegetables in Germany has increased significantly over the past decades from only 64 kg in the 1980s to about 96 kg in 2013. National vegetable production supplies about 35-38 % of the total demand. Despite the high importance of vegetable production, data availability is limited to highly aggregated figures or analyses of specific regions or vegetable crops. Therefore, this working paper provides a comprehensive overview of vegetable production in Germany. Systematic analyses of available statistics and an additional coordinated request to the federal states’ statistical offices provided the base for detailed insights into vegetable production and development of farm structures in the industry since the year 2000. The analysis goes beyond the level of the federal states and describes producing structures at district level and for specific vegetable crops as well.

Publisher: Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig
Author: Strohm, K.; Garming, H.; Dirksmeyer, W.
Organization: Thünen-Institut
Year: 2016
Country/ies: Germany
Geographical coverage: European Union (European Union)
Type: Report
Content language: German

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