Family Farming Knowledge Platform

Livestock Epidemio-Surveillance Project to Support Livelihoods of vulnerable rural smallholders and pastoralists

The action contributes to the EU Trust Fund objectives (1) creating greater economic and employment opportunities; and (2) strengthening resilience of communities and in particular the most vulnerable, as well as refugees and displaced people. The action is also aligned with the Valletta Action Plan priority domain (1) development benefits of migration and addressing root causes of irregular migration and forced displacement, in particular through its related initiatives: enhancing employment opportunities and revenue-generating activities; and boosting trade. The project is also based on the objectives and indicative intervention priorities of the Short Term Strategy 2016/17 for the implementation of a special support measure in favour of the people of the Republic of Sudan.

Project code: 311
Organization: European Commission
Year: 2016
Geographical coverage: Africa
Type: Project
Content language: English

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