Family Farming Knowledge Platform

Rural Development Strategy of Georgia


Rural development has an important role to play in the sustainable development of Georgia. Evidence from the experience of European Rural Development Programmes confirms the role that rural development can play in terms of increasing the welfare of rural populations and reducing the economic imbalance between rural and urban areas. The rural potential to deliver innovative, inclusive and sustainable solutions for current and future societal challenges such as economic prosperity, food security, climate change, resource management, and social inclusion should be better recognised. Rural and agricultural policies should build on the identity and tendencies of rural areas through the implementation of integrated strategies and multi-sectorial approaches. They should promote diversification and foster entrepreneurship, investment, innovation and employment. These policies should also add value to rural identity and enhance sustainability, social inclusion and local development, as well as increase the resilience of farms and rural communities. Today, rural development is very important in Georgia, where 42.8% (1,591.9 thousand) of the population live in rural areas (2106 data), while 48.6% of those employed are engaged in agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing. In 2015, agriculture’s contribution to Georgia’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was 9.1%.

Organization: Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia
Year: 2017
Country/ies: Georgia
Geographical coverage: Europe and Central Asia
Type: Technical paper
Content language: English

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