Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar

MOZAMBIQUE: Responding to the El Niño Drought

In 2016 one of the strongest El Niño events witnessed in the past 50 years struck. Mozambique, like many other countries in southern Africa was not spared. Thousands of farmers were left destitute as they helplessly watched their livestock die and crops fail as a severe drought raged on. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations partnered with the Ministry Of Agriculture and Food Security as well as the National institute for Disaster Management to respond to the situation. The video tells the story of 39-year-old Lourenço Mathe and his wife who are farmers in the Massingir disctrict of Mozambique. They are beneficiaries of an emergency response package aimed at cushioning thousands of farmers across the country from the adverse effects of the drought. Within this package farmers like Lourenço received Maize, beans and vegetable seeds such as okra and tomatoes). By digging canals, and siphoning the little water that flowed from a nearby Dam, Lorenzo was able to irrigate his crops during the drought producing enough to eat, and sell to the local market. In addition to giving farmers these emergency packages, FAO also used existing Farmer Field schools to encourage farmers to integrate their activities on crops and livestock in order to ensure that their cattle would survive the drought. The video also shows how farmers like Salomao Machava and his community were better able to survive the drought due to the multifaceted knowledge received in the farmer field school. The intensity and frequency of droughts are increasing across the world, hampering efforts to achieve Zero hunger and consequently Zero poverty. Resilience building initiatives such as the ones illustrated in this video are ensuring that farmers like Lourenço and Salamao are better prepared to feed their families when things get tough.

Organización: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Año: 2017
País(es): Mozambique
Cobertura geográfica: África
Tipo: Vídeo
Texto completo disponible en:
Idioma utilizado para los contenidos: English

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