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Commission offers further support to European farmers dealing with droughts

The ongoing and prolonged drought situation in several EU countries is affecting the production of arable crops and animal feed, which could have an impact on farmer income, increase their input costs and potentially give rise to an animal welfare issues, if there is a shortage of fodder later in the year.

Commissioner for agriculture, Phil Hogan, said: "The Commission, as always, is ready to support farmers affected by drought using a number of instruments, including higher advance payments, derogations from greening requirements and state aid... I am encouraging all Member States to look into all possible actions and measures provided for in our legislation."

The Commission is standing by European farmers. In addition to support under the existing Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) legislation, two specific decisions have been taken to help farmers deal with droughts

Organización: European Commission
Año: 2018
País(es): European Union
Cobertura geográfica: Unión Europea
Tipo: Artículo de blog
Idioma utilizado para los contenidos: English

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