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Montenegro looks to Austria to develop recipe for food, agriculture and tourism

Montenegro is looking to strengthen the links between agriculture, food and tourism, uniting its mesmerising coastline and spectacular mountains with its traditional foods – ranging from speciality cheeses and cured hams to bitter greens and crisp wines.

As part of this agritourism push, at the end of June a Montenegrin delegation of government officials and producers travelled to Austria to learn from the country’s exemplary model of sustainable management of mountainous areas.

As well as offering insight into Austrian activities, the study tour – organized by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Austrian Ministry of Sustainability and Tourism – was a unique opportunity for Montenegrin officials and farmers to deepen their understanding of public and private perspectives of tourism management.

Organización: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO
Año: 2018
País(es): Montenegro
Cobertura geográfica: Europa y Asia Central, Unión Europea
Tipo: Artículo de blog
Idioma utilizado para los contenidos: English

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