Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar

Smallholder farmer autonomy over seed production

Smallholder Farmer Autonomy Over Seed Production – the final release in a series of six videos from the ACB hosted event, National Seed Dialogue and Celebration, held in December 2017 at Constitution Hill.

Smallholder farmers feed the world, providing up to 70% of food consumed globally. The seed is the first link in the food chain. If farmers do not have their own seeds or access to open pollinated varieties that they can save, improve and exchange, they have no seed sovereignty – and consequently no food sovereignty.

In South Africa, there is almost no smallholder farmer involvement in formal sector seed production, and small seed enterprises are few and far between. Farmers do reproduce their own seed for use on a smaller scale. One obstacle to farmer involvement in commercial seed production is the rigid and standardised quality control system which is designed for large companies. Commercial laws restrict farmers’ production of their own seed for exchange on the basis of the same quality control system. More flexibility is required to create space for smallholder farmers to produce seed for distribution in their localities and beyond.

These issues were discussed at a session on seed multiplication/farmer-based quality controls at the National Seed Dialogue and Celebration, hosted by the African Centre for Biodiversity at Constitution Hill, Johannesburg in December 2017.


Autor: African Centre for Biodiversity
Organización: African Centre for Biodiversity
Año: 2018
País(es): South Africa
Cobertura geográfica: Comunidad para el Desarrollo del África Austral (SADC)
Tipo: Vídeo
Idioma utilizado para los contenidos: English

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