Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


FASST objective is to advance the effectiveness of Social Farming at systemic and practice levels by developing concrete and relevant training for the sector (both providers of services and social farmers), deliver the training to validate its relevance and accuracy, develop a system of sustainability, mainstreaming and uptake of the training through the OER Platform beyond EC cofinancing.

FASST (Formazione per Agricoltura Sociale e Sviluppo Territoriale) will develop Social Farming Open Educational Resources (OPEN and FREE available training). Social Farming (SF) is the practice of using farming and agriculture to provide educational services and social care to vulnerable groups,

Organización: FASST
Año: 2019
Cobertura geográfica: Unión Europea
Tipo: Sitio web
Texto completo disponible en:
Idioma utilizado para los contenidos: English

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