Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar

Civil Society Consultation for the 31st Session of FAO Regional Conference for Africa

The most recent estimates of the prevalence of undernourishment (POU), presented in the joint report by FAO, UNECA and African Union Commission “2019 Africa Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition shows that the trend of deterioration in 2014-2018 has slowed in 2017–2018. However, there remain 256 million hungry people in Africa today, or one in five Africans is undernourished, and an additional 399 million people are moderately food insecure. 

The report further revealed that although many African countries are making progress towards reducing malnutrition, progress is too slow to meet six key nutrition targetsFood insecurity has been rising in Africa in recent years and the continent is not on track to eliminate hunger by 2030. 

Organización: Food and agriculture organization of the Unied Nations FAO
Año: 2020
Cobertura geográfica: África
Tipo: Artículo de blog
Idioma utilizado para los contenidos: English

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