Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar

Introduction to the global governance of food and agriculture from a food sovereignty perspective

Schola Campesina recently launched an e-learning course that will probably be of interest to some of you: "Introduction to the global governance of food and agriculture from a food sovereignty perspective" Purpose of the training This e-learning platform provides an overview of global spaces of food and agricultural governance. The course starts with a general introduction on how Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) gradually entered key spaces of global governance (Module II). Module III focuses on the Committee on World Food Security (CFS), where CSOs engage in advocacy through the Civil Society and Indigenous Peoples’ Mechanism (CSM). This course also covers other international and intergovernmental spaces – such as the FAO and the UN Human Rights Council – where the food sovereignty agenda is being advanced (Module IV), and highlights how specific constituencies use these global governance spaces (Module V). Goal With this online training, Schola Campesina wishes to empower members of food producers’ organizations, with a special focus on youth, and to strengthen their capacity to influence global spaces. Through their advocacy, they can bring the voice of the agroecology and food sovereignty movements onto the global agenda. We also aim at improving the use of global outputs (policy recommendations, guidelines, etc.) at national and local levels for the benefit of social movements. (Available only in English for now) (You need to register to access the full training)

Autor: Schola Campesina
Organización: Schola Campesina
Año: 2020
Tipo: Aprendizaje en línea
Texto completo disponible en:
Idioma utilizado para los contenidos: English

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