Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar

Rotational grazing for organic pregnant sows to replace protein components (OK Net Ecofeed)

Background • In France, 50 % of organic sows are raised in free range systems • 80 % of the production cost are feed costs The Classical feed for pregnant sows consists of 40 % Cereals, 16% Maize 20% Wheat Bran, Minerals, dried Alfalfa, and about 15 % of protein components. The research question now is: Is it possible to replace this part with grazing? The experimental design looks like this. The Requirements are: You need grassland rich in legumes Rotating pasture with paddocks Less feed (80% of control) Less protein in supplied feed Here are some results: For energy pasture contributed 22% of the nutritional needs of the sows. For digestible Lysine, it was 33%. The feed costs per pregnant sow were 362 Euros in the control group. For pasture, feed cost was 294, plus 10 Euros for pasturing. Pasture resulted in 16% savings compared to the traditional method. It could be increased with a longer pasturing season Here are some recommendations: If there is too much competition at feeding, then individual feeding in the refectory is recommended. We observed that sows show less interest to pasture at the end of gestating period. We recommend to go back to complete feed 3 weeks before farrowing. If pasturing is not possible, e.g. because grassland production is too low, use silage instead.

Autor: A. Roinsard
Otros autores: F. Maupertuis, C. Gain, P. Pierre
Organización: The Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL)
Año: 2020
Cobertura geográfica: Europa y Asia Central
Tipo: Vídeo
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Idioma utilizado para los contenidos: English

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