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Farming Smarter The Case for Agroecological Enterprise

Farming Smarter is intended as an overview of the thinking and principles behind agroecological approaches to agriculture and land management. It explores the economic argument for regenerative farming and confirms that there is no need for a trade-off between profit and nature in an agroecological system.

The report reinforces the view that many farmers are ready for change but need clarity of vision from policy makers for a joined-up food and farming system that will allow them to transition with confidence. The business case for agroecology at a farm level is fast emerging.

Current business models are fragile and questions are growing about the climate resilience of intensive agriculture in the face of evidence of extreme weather events (NFU Harvest Survey data for 2020 reports the smallest harvest since 1981 and yields down 15-18% across key crops). Unsurprisingly given these factors, farmers are changing their mindsets and re-ordering farming systems – but they need policy changes that help them to succeed. Farming Smarter navigates this territory and provides a useful summary of the economic case for agroecology.

Autor: ony Greenham and Marcus Link
Organización: Food, Farming and Countryside Commission
Año: 2020
Tipo: Informe
Idioma utilizado para los contenidos: English

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