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FAO launches practical tools to encourage soil organic carbon sequestration

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) today launched two practical instruments designed to encourage soil organic carbon maintenance and sequestration, a key tool for climate action.

Carbon sequestration involves the removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere in the form of soil organic carbon (SOC), with the capture of CO2 in the soil seen as an effective way of reducing greenhouse gases. Because soil rich in carbon is also healthier and more fertile, it can benefit farmers while helping meet the targets of the Paris Agreement on climate change and the Sustainable Development Goals.

The two products unveiled today, part of the RECSOIL initiative, are a global map illustrating how much and where CO2 can be sequestered by soils -- the GSOCseq, and a technical manual of good practices to sequester and maintain SOC stocks in soils.

Organización: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO
Año: 2021
Tipo: Artículo de blog
Idioma utilizado para los contenidos: English

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