Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar

Potentially Important Food Plants of Burundi

This guide is based on information from the Food Plants International (FPI) database developed by Tasmanian agricultural scientist Bruce French.The source material and guidance for the preparation of the book has been made possible through the support of Food Plants International, the Rotary Clubs  of  District  9830, particularly  the  Rotary  Club  of  Devonport  North  who  founded  Food  Plant Solutions, (previously the Learn◊Growproject), and many volunteers who have assisted in various ways.The  selection  of  plants  included  in  this  guide  has  been  developed  byLyndie  Kite working  in  a voluntary capacity using the selection criteria developed by Food Plant Solutions.These selection criteria  focus  on  the  local  plants  from  each  of  the  main  food  groups  with  the  highest  levels  of nutrients  important  to  human  nutrition  and  alleviation  of  malnutrition.It  is  intended  as  a Draft Guide only to indicate some important food plants that serve as examples for this purpose.Other important nutritious plants may be equally useful, and it is recommended that the FPI database be used to  source  information  on  the  full  range  of  plants  known to occur  in Burundi.This  guide  has been  developed  with  the  best  intention  to  create  interest  and  improve  understanding  of  the important local food plants of Burundi,and on the understanding that it will befurther edited and augmented by local specialists with appropriate knowledge and understanding of local food plants.Food  Plant  Solutions  was  initiated  by  the  Rotary  Club  of  Devonport  North  to  assist  in  creating awareness of the edible plant database developed by Food Plants International, and its potential in addressing  malnutrition  and  food  security  in  any  country  of  the  world.In  June  2007,  Food  Plant Solutions was established as a project of Rotary District 9830, the Rotary Club of Devonport North and Food  Plants  International.The  primary  objective  of  the  project  is  to  increase  awareness  and understanding of the vast food resource that exists in the form of local plants, well adapted to the prevailing  conditions  where  they  naturally  occur,  and  how  thisresource  may  be  used  to  address hunger,     malnutrition     and     food     security.

Autor: The Rotary Club of Devonport North
Otros autores: District 9830
Organización: The Rotary Club of Devonport North
Otras organizaciones: District 9830
Año: 2022
País(es): Burundi
Cobertura geográfica: África
Tipo: Libro
Idioma utilizado para los contenidos: English

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