Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar

Agroeology Info Pool

The Agroecology Info Pool website was originally developed with support of the Mercator Foundation as part of the programme “A4A – Advocacy for Agroecology”, which aimed at scaling scientific and applied research on agroecology by analyzing current lock-ins and leverages. The evidence created was subsequently used for consulting with key decision makers from the donor and research communities. A second part of the project addressed the role of agroecology as a solution to adapt and mitigate climate change. The purpose of the Info Pool was to make the findings and outputs of the programme accessible to all and serve as a reference tool for evidence around agroecology. The A4A programme was concluded at the end of 2021, however, the website still continuously collects current findings from project work and science and makes them publicly available to support a sustainable transformation of food systems.

Autor: Biovision
Organización: Biovision
Año: 2021
Tipo: Sitio web
Texto completo disponible en:
Idioma utilizado para los contenidos: English

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