Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar

The Land Gap Report

This Report shows that countries’ climate pledges rely on unrealistic amounts of land-based carbon removal. These cannot be achieved without significant negative impacts on livelihoods, land rights, and ecosystems. Our research suggests that countries should seek to reduce their expected reliance on land-based carbon removal and must instead make much deeper cuts in emissions.

The Land Gap Report also examines the importance of protecting all remaining primary ecosystems; securing land rights for communities; and shifting to agroecology in food production.
The Land Gap Report shows how implementation of countries’ climate plans increases total demand for land. The Report quantifies this aggregate demand for land and land-use change to address climate mitigation in the climate pledges submitted by countries to the UNFCCC.

Editor: Land Gap
Organización: Land Gap
Otras organizaciones: Melbourne Climate Futures, Independent Research Fund Denmark, Climate and Land Use Alliance, Preston-Werner Foundation, KR Foundation, European Climate Foundation, Climate Justice Programme, One Earth Philanthropy, AgroEcology Fund
Año: 2022
Tipo: Informe
Texto completo disponible en:
Idioma utilizado para los contenidos: English

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