Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar

Establishing block and polybag mini nurseries in drought prone areas of north-western Bangladesh

Most farmers in Bangladesh depend on subsistence farming with extremely small landholdings. Great parts of Bangladesh are flooded every year and to a large extent agriculture systems have been adapted to this normal flooding. However, besides normal peak floods in July and August and late floods extending in September, early floods from May to June have negative impacts on food crop production potentials. As the country is already deficient in food, large damages of food crops due to floods and droughts may endanger food availability and local stability of supply. Crop diversification is advocated at the policy level to ensure food, nutritional and environmental security. Farmers are interested in alternative small-scale economical activities such as seedling/sapling production which contribute to livelihood diversification and help overcome difficult periods in case the main crops were damaged by natural hazards.

Autor: FAO
Organización: The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA
Año: 2020
País(es): Bangladesh
Cobertura geográfica: Asia y el Pacífico
Tipo: Prácticas
Texto completo disponible en:
Idioma utilizado para los contenidos: English

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