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Resilient Seed Systems: Shared Action Framework

This Shared Action Framework developed by the Global Alliance for the Future of Food is a result of the publication ''The Future of Food: Seeds of Resilience, A Compendium of Perspectives on Agricultural Biodiversity from Around the World'' and of a strategic convening on resilient seed systems that was held in Oaxaca, Mexico. 

From these discussions, priority issues and themes were identified, and a guiding narrative and principles were developed. This led to the development of a Shared Action Framework to galvanize actions that strengthen and protect agricultural biodiversity and promote resilient seed systems.

The Shared Action Framework provides a strategic guide for diverse stakeholders interested in fostering a holistic, collaborative approach to enhancing the resilience of our seed systems and the contributions these systems can make to addressing many critical global priorities.

Editor: The Global Alliance for the Future of Food
Autor: The Global Alliance for the Future of Food
Organización: The Global Alliance for the Future of Food
Año: 2019
Tipo: Documento/nota de orientación
Idioma utilizado para los contenidos: English

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