Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar

Latin American Agroecology Research Centre (CELIA)

The Centre promotes cross-cutting research using Agroecological science to plan biodiverse, resilient and productive agricultural systems in Latin America. In addition, it develops research and training projects as well as publications, integrating traditional practices with novel knowledge-based ones related to ecology, agronomy and social sciences, in order to support the scaling up of Agroecology in the region and all over the world.

A wide range of stakeholders such as researchers, professors and students, members of NGOs associated with the Latin American Scientific Society of Agroecology (SOCLA) participate in CELIA that also provides information about courses, events and projects that take place in Latin America.

CELIA considers that a key challenge for farmers lies in the application of agroecological principles to soil, water and biodiversity management in order not only to enhance production but also to boost resilience. An effective path to accelerate the development of sustainable agrosystems is to comprehend the successful manners in which farmers enhance biodiversity and share this knowledge. CELIA encourages farmers to combine modern and traditional knowledge to create new production designs that are adapted to local environments. CELIA advocates for these strategies to be complemented with solidary markets and proper policies that permit the agroecological flow between local farmers and consumers.

Organización: Latin American Agroecology Research Centre (CELIA)
Año: 2019
Cobertura geográfica: América Latina y el Caribe
Tipo: Sitio web
Texto completo disponible en:
Idioma utilizado para los contenidos: Spanish

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