Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar

The Resilience and Adaptation of Pastoralist Livestock Mobility in a Protracted Conflict Setting: West Darfur, Sudan

This paper focuses on the dynamics of pastoralist herd mobility in West Darfur State, Sudan, a region affected by persistent conflict. The paper examines the annual cycle and seasonal trajectories of mobility for camels, cattle, and sheep, comparing mobility patterns by livelihood specialisation and reviewing the mobility of multi-species herds. Using social research tools and remote sensing livestock tracking technology, the study found diverse livestock mobility patterns within the region. Conflict and insecurity have reduced the freedom and flexibility of these movements. Persistent insecurity combined with climate shocks have led to adaptations, including changes in herd species composition and owner preference, and a shift from long to short-distance mobility closer to the home area. Ultimately these changes have undermined the resilience of the pastoral system. The paper considers the implications of these changes in pastoralist mobility for humanitarian needs, building livelihood resilience and promoting peaceful integration with other users of natural resources.

Title of publication: Nomadic Peoples, Volume 27, Number 1, March 2023, pp. 3-31(29)
Volumen: 27
N.0: 1
Intervalo de páginas: 3-31
Autor: Sulieman, Hussein M.; Young, Helen
Año: 2023
Tipo: Artículo
Idioma utilizado para los contenidos: English

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