Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar

Survey: What are the benefits of digital tools for farms?

By taking part in the survey, people working in the agricultural practice can contribute their experiences to the project. The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.

Every voice counts: Practical experience is essential when it comes to further developing digital tools. All businesses interested in the topic of ecology and sustainability are invited to participate in the survey. Certification is not a prerequisite. Digital tools in agriculture are versatile: from precision farming to the use of digital media for research. Experiences of people who hardly use digital tools are also important.

The answers will be treated completely anonymously and confidentially. The survey is open until 31 August 2023. The results will be available on the Path2DEA website in January 2024

Title of publication: FiBL Switzerland
Autor: Joelle Herforth-Rahmé
Organización: FiBL Switzerland
Año: 2023
País(es): Switzerland
Cobertura geográfica: Europa y Asia Central
Tipo: Artículo de blog
Idioma utilizado para los contenidos: English

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